Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Soul Retrieval Neo Meditation

In current or past lifetimes, we may have suffered emotional or physical trauma causing our energy field to shatter or become stuck. When can restore this damage by releasing our traumas with a soul retrieval and in the process we can gain a clearer connection to all life and a better understanding of ourselves.

Monday, 28 May 2012

The Super Athlete Neo Meditation

It is a well-known fact that players and athletes who are in the "zone" develop razor sharp focus and are not distracted by any outside forces. Distractions often result in injuries or poor performance affecting their teams in adverse ways. By utilizing meditation we can enhance our bodies' natural athletic potential while remaining relaxed and focused on the task at hand.

Thursday, 24 May 2012

The Goddess within Neo Meditation

Our busy lives often distract us from what is important, being in tune with our divine potential. By embracing your feminine goddess within you can tap into your power to co-create reality and manifest the dreams and desires you know that can just be.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Triad Protocol Neo Mediation

Triads were originally utilized by government psychics in the 1950's as a way to project energy for manifestation. Here a group of three people would stand in a triangular formation in an empty room and then hold their hands close together but not touch each. These users would then project energy into a fourth person in the center and they would then project the energy into whatever they were trying to manifest. In the 1990s with the development of Silva Mind control training, this protocol was changed slightly so that instead of holding their hands up users would instead visualize energy coming out of each other, this would found to be more effective and powerful.

In this exercise you will need at least three neo units. You can also use three people or even pets if you are able to telepathically receive their permission. At this point surround yourself with three neo units so that you are sitting in the middle of a triangular formation. If you have more neo units you can also use a chain, circle, square, and hexagon formation, but the triangle seems to be the most effective for new triad users.